The importance of mouth cancer screening

We all want to live long and healthy lives that are free from the complications of any kind of serious illness, as no one likes to think of themselves becoming so unwell that it creates any kind of need for severe medical intervention. But, your body is a complex living thing and this can make it susceptible to illnesses that are not easy to detect, as their symptoms are not as obvious as those of illnesses such as the flu.

One part of your body that could succumb to a serious illness is your mouth, as it is in constant use every day of your life for activities such as eating, drinking and communicating, which can help to expose you to the hazards that can lead to the presence of illness. Reality shows us that some of the most difficult-to-treat illnesses may be harder to detect, this is why it may be important for you to understand what services you can access if you think you have a serious concern beginning in your mouth.

At Leamington Spa Dental Practice we can help patients to find out if they are suffering from a serious condition with mouth cancer screening Leamington Spa, allowing us to detect illness early and help you access treatment should you have a need to.

Acting early can be the key to successful treatment

Let’s face it, we are discussing a subject that none of us likes to talk or think about, as some ideas or words just have a way of making the worst-case scenarios pop into our minds from the off. The truth is that modern medicine and medical treatments have made it more possible than ever before to have a successful outcome when having a serious condition treated, but the key is to act early to detect any illness that is affecting you.

By using mouth cancer screening Leamington Spa as a way to detect what may be a serious condition in the early stages of development you will give yourself a greater chance of being treated in a way that brings about a positive outcome. Each year over eight thousand people are diagnosed with mouth cancer in the United Kingdom, that is one in every fifty cancers in the UK, most of whom make a full and successful recovery.

This is a condition that is known to affect men more than women, as men tend to drink more alcohol, and the highest percentage of those affected are over the age of fifty-five.

If you find you have a mouth ulcer that is painful and will not heal, or unexplained and persistent lumps in your mouth or neck, please do not ignore these things and get them examined as these can be the early warning signs of a serious situation. Other signs may include: the sudden and unexplained loss of a tooth, a weakness within the sockets of your teeth, strange sensations in the area of your lips, and swelling or redness around your mouth. If you find you have any of these symptoms then you may wish to seek medical advice.

The prognosis

Using mouth cancer screening Leamington Spa to detect cancer cells early will allow you to start receiving treatment at the earliest possible time, this will hopefully lead to you making a full recovery and leading a normal life. Our practice is always pleased to extend a warm welcome to all new and existing patients.